Thursday, June 25, 2015

Romanesque Route - Portugal

These 2 cards sent by Paulo show 2 of the 58 monuments that make up the Romanesque Route in the north of Portugal. The Romanesque Route is in fact divided into three routes that connect to each other by road, following the river valleys: The Sousa Valley Route, with 19 monuments; The Tâmega Valley Route, with 25 monuments; and the Douro Valley route, with 14 monuments.
The route includes monasteries, churches and memorials, bridges, castles and towers that have in common the characteristic Romanesque architecture of this region.
The Romanesque features in the Church of Salvador of Ribas, in Celorico de Basto, were dated as being from the second half of the 13th century or even  from the 14th.
The Church of the Savior of Ferverça, also in Celorico de Basto, has undergone many changes to the centuries long and only retains today, from the Romanesque period, the headboard.

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